Posted by : itarary 5 de set. de 2011

Nome Do Albúm:  Live in rio
Duração: 102
Qualidade: DVD
Áudio: 10
Vídeo: 10
Formato: ISO
Tamanho: 4.3 GB

01. Intro (machines or back the human)
02. Tie your mother down
03. Seven seas of rhye
04. Keep yourself alive
05. Liar
06. It's a hard life
07. Now I'm here
08. Is this the world we created?
09. Love of my life
10. Brighton rock
11. Hammer to fall
12. Bohemian rhapsody
13. Radio gaga
14. I want to break free
15. We will rock you
16. We are the champions 
17. God save the queen 


não seja timido comente...

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